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- Hawthorne Park Lite THD v1.0 APK
Sunday, November 10, 2013
So you might have played Bang Bang Racing THD and thought there had been issues you would have liked to see carried out differently or a function you would have liked in the game, well now we are providing you the chance to get involved.
You could be wondering what Hawthorne Park is all about and why the high price tag tag...Properly...here's the theory behind it:
It really is a demo that we did a whilst back and we've decided to make it live because...we want your help...
We're developing our 2012 killer racing game for iOS and Android and based on Hawthorne Park Lite we'd love to know what characteristics and any suggestions you would like in this style of game.
The cost is high simply because we also want to raise some funds to go towards the subsequent game to assist us make it even much better - acquiring Hawthorne Park will Guarantee you a Totally free copy of the new game and your name will go in the help credits.
Play Store Hyperlink 
Download Hyperlink : 
APK :  HowFile  |  MEGA  |  Direct Link
So you might have played Bang Bang Racing THD and thought there had been issues you would have liked to see carried out differently or a function you would have liked in the game, well now we are providing you the chance to get involved.
You could be wondering what Hawthorne Park is all about and why the high price tag tag...Properly...here's the theory behind it:
It really is a demo that we did a whilst back and we've decided to make it live because...we want your help...
We're developing our 2012 killer racing game for iOS and Android and based on Hawthorne Park Lite we'd love to know what characteristics and any suggestions you would like in this style of game.
The cost is high simply because we also want to raise some funds to go towards the subsequent game to assist us make it even much better - acquiring Hawthorne Park will Guarantee you a Totally free copy of the new game and your name will go in the help credits.
Play Store Hyperlink 
Download Hyperlink : 
APK :  HowFile  |  MEGA  |  Direct Link